Find out at the DISH, TX public meeting: 10/12 at 7pm
Public can discuss new study showing toxic air threats from gas compressor stations
Dear Sharon,
Come to DISH, TX
On Monday, October 12th at 7pm the Town of DISH will hold a public meeting to discuss the findings of recent air quality study commissioned by the Town.
Please attend and spread the word to your friends and neighbors. We need you to show your support for local government and citizens addressing toxic emissions in their community!
Town of DISH public meeting |
Learn about the health risks of gas facilities in your community
The results of DISH’s air study revealed high concentrations of carcinogenic and neurotoxin compounds near and on residential properties near the megaplex of compressors stations operating at the corner of Tim Donald and Strader Roads in DISH.
These compressors have multiple engines and support equipment, such as condensate tanks, that emit fugitive toxic emissions. The report also indicated that many of the compounds in the air exceeded the Short-term and Long-term Effects Screening Levels according to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regulations.
We need your help to support science, public health
Public health and safety may be best served by immediately shutting down these compressors until they can be operated safely with emission controls. However, The Town of DISH is taking tremendous heat from the oil and gas industry, who like Big Tobacco and other industries, are simply belittling valid concerns and studies as “bad science.”
We need you to turn out to this meeting and support the efforts of local government and citizens to gather emissions data and hold companies accountable for health impacts!
Jennifer Goldman, EARTHWORKS’ Oil & Gas Accountability Project
For More Information:
- Read the study
- Read an EARTHWORKS analysis of the study
- Fill out the Town of DISH’s health survey form
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About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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i'll be there will bells on. or maybe i'll just be there.
It's not 70s anymore. People have to stand up to having their health ruined because of heavy industry. As a Canadian insurance broker I keep dealing with those affected by asbestos (yes – still – even today!) and simply no industry gains are worth anything to people that lost their health because of it.
Good luck all!
I send good wishes for this important meeting in DISH tomorrow night. Thank you to all who have worked to make this possible. I wish I could attend!
Rochester, NY, resident activist
I live next to several wells. I put many restrictions on my lease for drilling on my property, so the gas company drilled on a smaller property next door. I now live with three wells a few hundred feet out my back door and just 200 feet or less from my barn and livestock stalls/pens. One well has had many problems, so it has a compressor on it most of the time. the smell gets very strong over here and I, my animals, and my crops spend the whole day down wind from it. Activity this summer has been daily and because I have suffered sciatica in the past and it has been under control for a few years, I have not associated my now daily leg and foot cramps with the wells. But I believe there may be a relation. My stomach as been bothering me all summer as well and I've been blaming it on everything but the wells. Does anyone know of any studies I can join relating to people with strong exposure to the oil and gas industry. I hate doctors, live well, try to eat healthy, do yoga, and have excellent health– so I'm probably a good candidate.
Daniel, I'm trying to find out something for you. I think there are many people like you out there.