Brandon Evans, reporter, Wise County Messenger asks an important question of Wise and Parker County voters:
Will King lose his golden touch with voters?
Brandon mentions something about the Super Bowl tickets that I hadn’t realized until I read this:
King received the tickets from a utility industry lobbyist. He watched the New England Patriots barely beat the Carolina Panthers from the cozy confines of CenterPoint Energy’s luxury suite. He also witnessed the infamous halftime moment involving Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake. The barely visible flash of breast must have surely offended his socially conservative sensibilities.
LOL! Wonder if King averted his gaze.
Considering how most Wise County residents seem to slobber all over King no matter what the does, I commend Brandon’s courage in tell it like it is:
But such lapses of judgment have done little to curtail the fundraising capabilities of the King campaign. King has raised more than $362,000 since July of last year, according to the Texas Ethics Commission Web site, and he has more than $300,000 in cash on hand. Meanwhile, his opponent in the March primary, Joe Tison, the former mayor of Weatherford, has raised approximately $50,000 and has just over $33,000 of cash on hand.
According to an anonymous poster at Liberally Lean, $250,000 of the money King has raised comes from outside interests:
King has $250,000 in campaign money from “interests” outside of our district. Most of them are very big enterprises. Wonder what that is intended to buy? The tickees are only a trivial example.
I think I will support Tison who is campaigning on money from voters in the area. He is also a strong advocate of education reform which has been completely ignored by King. Anyone in the hog trough of special interests can take a hike.
I think somebody just might have written a formal complaint letter to the DA asking for a full investigation. =)
About Sharon Wilson
Sharon Wilson is considered a leading citizen expert on the impacts of shale oil and gas extraction. She is the go-to person whether it’s top EPA officials from D.C., national and international news networks, or residents facing the shock of eminent domain and the devastating environmental effects of natural gas development in their backyards.
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Dear Sharon Wise(I mean Wilson:)
Thanks for this posting & opinion about Joe Tison. My teacher sis in Weatherford asked me to send around plea to folks to DUMP PHIL KING! Lots of reasons, some you name & other bloggers and his dismal voting record on the environment, on human needs, education, and his corporate backroom deals…
PLEASE spread the word that If you have family, friends, contacts in Texas House of Representatives District 161, in Wise County or Parker County, Texas, please forward this message and remind them to vote for Republican good guy, public servant of conscience, JOE TISON in the March 4th Primaries, and boot out, the arch conservative, mean-spirited, anti-public education, anti-women & children, the burnt out Phil King!
Joe Tison website:
Map of district:
Phil King website:
—– Original Message —–
From: Joe Tison Campaign
Subject: Press Release: Tison Calls On Texas Voters To Send Their Electric Bills To Phil King
Click to view this message in a browser
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Republican House challenger says opponent needs wake-up call on how his ties to utility lobby have resulted in high electric rates that cause hardships for families and businesses
(Weatherford) – Republican House challenger Joe Tison today issued a call for all Texans to make copies of their latest electric bill and send them to his opponent, Phil King, to show him how his close ties to the utility lobby have driven up costs for businesses and put the squeeze on families.
“My opponent needs a wake-up call,” Tison said. “While he was accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars from utility companies and their representatives, the rest of us were paying an average of 56 percent more to heat our homes and keep the lights on in our businesses.” (
King has accepted more than $200,000 in campaign contributions from utility and energy company PACs, according to documents filed with the Texas Ethics Commission.
As chairman of the House Regulated Industries Committee, King is in charge of overseeing electric power generators and service providers whose lobbyists and executives also contribute tens of thousands of dollars to his campaign, including the political action committee of NRG Energy, a New Jersey-based wholesaler of electric power pushing to build nuclear reactors in Texas.
Tison encouraged utility consumers across the state to make copies of their latest electric bill and mail them to Phil King, 2110 Fort Worth Highway, Weatherford, TX 76086.
King is out-of-touch with how much typical homeowners are forced to pay to heat and cool their homes, Tison said, in part because King isn’t a typical homeowner. His underground home was built in 1983, according to county tax records, which show that King and his extended family occupy an 8,716 square foot compound beneath ground level in Weatherford. Tax records show the only above-ground facilities are garages, swimming pool, tennis court, and porches.
“I’ve been told Phil King has bragged about only paying $25 per month to heat his home because he lives underground. While that may be admirable for the King family to have lived in an underground energy-efficient compound for many years, 99.99% of the rest of us who live above ground are paying big bills because the Texas cost of wholesale and retail electricity is the 12th highest in the nation,” Tison remarked.
Tison said he hopes if King receives in the mail copies of hundreds of electric bills he will feel the pain most Texans feel when they go to their mailboxes every month.
A former educator who started his career in the Aledo Independent School District and was superintendent of the Weatherford Independent School District for more than a decade, Tison served as Mayor of Weatherford until December 2007, when he resigned to run for the Texas House.
Tison earned both a bachelor of science and a master of public school administration from North Texas State University. He and his wife, Patsy, have three grown children and two granddaughters and are active members of Central Christian Church in Weatherford.
The Republican primary is Tuesday, March 4. Early voting started Tuesday and runs through Friday, February 29.
I’m still trying to find Phil King’s exact VOTING RECORD on SCHOOL VOUCHERS. I’ve spent hours on the lege website & it’s so convoluted. Do you know where to find House of Rep voting records in commonsense format?
Cathy Courtney
Joe Tison. Hmmmph. Good Luck With That!
You have to ask yourself why any ‘Conservative’ Republican would run against one of the most empowered Conservative Representatives in the Texas power structure. I’ve looked into every one of Tison’s complaints about King to date and find that Tison’s campaign is run completely on a body of lies, either through commission or omission. Tison’s recipe is: take a half-truth, remove the context, slant what remains — or just flat out prevaricate.
Joe Tison: An Educrat with ‘Big Ed’ special interest written all over him. I wonder what other “non-conservative” interests are behind him as well?
A better question is why King is so “empowered” when he has done nothing to help those in his district? The answer would be that he receives large contributions from the very industries he is supposed to regulate. Blech!
As to the “body of lies,” well, you need to peek under the rug that is Phil King because there is a mountain of dirt under that rug! Better get a ShopVac!